Your Award Winning Women's Tour Company. Interesting Itineraries Since 2005.

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A group of ladies recently enjoyed our Foodi Melbourne Dessert & Cup Cake Dessert tour. With visits to Chokalait home to the famous chocolate pavlova, Ganache with their divine Belgian Hot Chocolate, Small Cup Cakes and more.... a light lunch was enjoyed afterwards in Hardware Lane.

Hayley Morris's avatar

About the Author: Hayley Morris

The founder of Sisterhood Womens Travel and owner of an award winning travel agency - “I’ve been in travel for over 17 years and identified the need for a touring company to provide fully inclusive, interesting tours just for women". One of the things I love about travelling with a group of inspiring women is that we are all brought together to share a passion for travel and to see our amazing world in the company of friends, what better way to travel!

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