Our Fitness Criteria form part of the booking process. To get the most out of your experience, at a minimum you will be able to:
Walk 2-3 hours daily (average 10,000 steps) often on uneven surfaces without the use of a walking aid and at a group pace.
Regularly walk up multiple flights of stairs and short, steep hills.
Stand for extended periods without needing to sit down in both hot/cold climates.
Carry your luggage.
Get in and out of a bath without assistance (some hotels may have a shower over a bath).
Get on and off various modes of transport without assistance.
Generally, be able to participate in the tour without any special assistance from SWT.
Physical Rating
Each of our tours includes a physical rating to assist you in choosing the perfect holiday. Every tour necessitates a daily average walking step count of 10,000 steps (except for our Free & Easy tours). More active tours entail lengthier walks on more challenging terrain and may encompass more physical activities including cycling etc.
Basic Fitness Rating - A basic level of fitness is necessary for these tours. Typically, a day of walking entails approximately 10,000 steps and you should be capable of boarding and disembarking coaches, trains and boats unaided as well as managing steps and uneven terrain including cobblestones and unsurfaced roads and paths.
Moderate Fitness Rating - A moderate level of fitness will be required for these tours due to the length and/or overall physicality of our tour itinerary. You can expect to walk more than 10,000 steps daily on more challenging terrain and longer periods. You must be capable of boarding and disembarking coaches, trains and boats unaided and at times handle your luggage.
Challenging Fitness Rating - A high level of fitness is required for these tours. You can expect to participate in challenging walks for longer periods often on uneven and steep terrain. Prepare to be active for most of each day. You must be capable of boarding and disembarking coaches, trains and boats unaided and at times handle your luggage.
The above ratings are a general guide so please consider your physical capabilities before booking and contact Sisterhood Central on 1300 885 255 for further clarification or guidance.
We rely on the information you provide on our ‘Fit to Travel’ online booking which forms part of our conditions of travel. You warrant that the information you provide is accurate and there are no other medical issues (both physical/mental) that may impact your ability to participate in the group dynamics of the tour and without the need for special assistance. Women with disabilities are welcome on all SWT tours (where possible) provided you are accompanied by an able-bodied companion and do not require special assistance from SWT personnel. SWT reserves the right to exclude any person from a tour if SWT, acting reasonably thinks that the individual requires special assistance for a condition not previously fully disclosed. If you have doubts about your ability to undertake the tour, please contact us to discuss your circumstances before making a booking request.
If your circumstances change following your completion of the ‘Fit to Travel’ form, then you must notify us as soon as reasonably possible, and in any circumstance before travel. We reserve the right to cancel your booking if your changed circumstances mean you will require special assistance from SWT personnel during the tour. We suggest that your travel insurance (which you are obliged to have in place under these Terms) includes comprehensive cancellation coverage.
SWT will not be liable for any damage, injury, death or loss of any kind arising from your failure to disclose relevant medical information.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a suitable level of health and fitness to undertake the tour of your choice. If you have doubts about your ability to undertake the tour, please contact Sisterhood Central on 1300 885 255 to discuss.

About the Author: Hayley Morris
The founder of Sisterhood Womens Travel and owner of an award winning travel agency - “I’ve been in travel for over 17 years and identified the need for a touring company to provide fully inclusive, interesting tours just for women". One of the things I love about travelling with a group of inspiring women is that we are all brought together to share a passion for travel and to see our amazing world in the company of friends, what better way to travel!
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